Saturday, May 26, 2012

?The global financial vision? of Chinese food industry :insurance news

Yesterday, China Radio International, ?global financial vision? invite PKU management consulting group senior partner history Jun, unscramble by documentary ?the tongue? China triggered by China?s catering industry prospect thinking.Speaking recently by the documentary ?the tongue? by Chinese specialty snacks ?surges?, history Jun said, this reflects the culture and brand, or the combination of products, can bring about a more broad market. He says, Chinese food and catering to the development of the market, is still at the primary stage. Shi Jun thinks, Chinese catering enterprises are in the range of the world, there is no mature brands, the main reason is a lot of enterprises financial is not transparent, profit is not stable enough, as well as inIndustryChain expansion problems.?The global financial world? is China Radio International Joint ?Securities Times?, ?new wealth? jointly launched a radio program, this program related information also will be the first time by officialMicro-blog?The global financial world? released. (Ryan charming)

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