Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Affirmations and Your Subconscious Mind | photosmithonline.com

?Every day in every way, I am getting better and better?
For a long time, affirmations have been recognized and accepted as a powerful tool in positive thinking and self-improvement. Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired outcome, and which are repeated over and over, with the aim of imprinting the statement deep into your subconscious mind and triggering it into taking positive action. Affirmations are clear, simple and precise statements that are expressed as positively as possible and in the present tense.

If you really do want to make a change in your life, or at least in some aspect of your life, it is your subconscious mind that you need to imprint with new ideas and beliefs. Your subconscious mind holds all of the keys and has its hands on all the levers and its feet on all the pedals that will either get your life moving into the fast lane or raise the handbrake and slow it down.

Affirmations most certainly do work but the problem is, affirmations are directed at the conscious mind and unfortunately, your conscious mind has absolutely nothing to do with the way you behave, how you react to people and in situations or how you view the world. However, if you throw enough affirmations at your conscious mind, sooner or later, some of those affirmations will eventually stick and make a positive impression on your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind dictates your beliefs, behaviours and reactions and actually creates your very own version of reality. Affirmations have to be done with enough repetition in order to work their way into your subconscious mind.

A well written affirmation has the potential to change your life, once you learn how to write positive and powerful affirmations, you will have an incredible manifesting tool at your disposal. But to tap into their true power and to increase your manifesting success you have to make sure that you write them in the correct way by following a few basic rules.

1.) Every affirmation that you make must be written in the present tense in order for it to have any lasting effect. This means that you should always begin your statement with the wording ?I AM?. Do not use ?I WILL? this slight difference in the wording will make a huge difference in the results that you get.

2.) The most powerful affirmations are not about the things that you want to attract into your life, they should be about the qualities that you want to develop within yourself in order to be able to manifest the things that you want. If there is a quality that you need to have in order to reach your manifesting goal you should include it here. Look at the things that you want and then ask yourself, ?What do I need to change?? Then incorporate your answer into your affirmation. For example ?I AM WEALTHY? is weak but ?I AM A SMART SAVER AND A WISE INVESTOR OF MY MONEY? is powerful.

3.) When you design your affirmations you must always focus on the positive, and never the negative. This is central to the entire manifesting process, and is the core of the law of attraction principles and a key in making a link with your subconscious mind. Spell out exactly what you want to create and keep your attention completely off of those things that you do not want. For example ?I AM GIVING UP EATING FAST FOOD? is negative but, ?I AM A HEALTHY EATER? is positive.

4.) For the very best results you must use your affirmations multiple times every day. Not just on days when you feel like it, or when you remember to. Absolutely every day. Once per day is a good start, but twice per day is even better. Read your affirmation aloud every morning and every night before you go to sleep, and in between too. Don?t make any excuses. When you make your affirmations a habit, you will soon see the qualities in your affirmations begin to show up in your life.

By following these guidelines you will be able to push the ideas behind your affirmations into your subconscious mind, and in turn they will start to work their manifesting magic into your life!

For an amazing system that uses affirmations in a multitude of ways visit my website at http://www.loasystem.net

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